It’s Been a Minute

Hey y’all! I recently realized just how long it’s been since I hit you with a blog post. I had quite a bit of travel going on last year and put this on the back burner. After many trips, moving across the country, & getting a Dane puppy, I’ve decided it’s time to start writing again! My goal for today is to recap what I’ve been doing the past year as well as layout a new tentative blog posting schedule. I hope you enjoy today’s LONG OVERDUE segment and come back in the not-so-distant future for more. 😊


While I was away, my family and I visited five new national parks and traveled to Antigua, Guatemala to hike the famous Acatenango Volcano. I also took my first solo trip to Iceland and my first solo group trip to the Argentinian side of Patagonia. Needless to say, I’ve been quite busy. Don’t worry, I’ll recap all of my trips in upcoming posts that will be more consistent. Until then, check out my Instagram @moving.mountains.w.morgan for pictures, videos, & edits of these adventures and more!


Our National Park Trips:

Since we last talked, mom, dad, & I visited five new parks – Mammoth Cave, Zion, Bryce Canyon, New River Gorge, & Shenandoah. While I’m not going into detail today, I’m going to outline our visits to get you up to speed.

Mammoth: We visited Mammoth Cave on the way home from visiting family in Louisville, Kentucky. Since this was more of a last-minute, impromptu visit, we only got to do the short tour that is open to the public everyday without advanced tickets. While this is a must see, we will definitely be back to partake in a longer, extended tour of the world’s largest known cave system!

Zion & Bryce Canyon: We did a two day stent at Zion which included The Wachman Trail, Emerald Pools, Angels Landing (permitted), & part of The Narrows. We hiked in SWELTERING heat with temperatures soaring above 110◦. We were well prepared for the heat, but the extreme temperatures were exhausting. As for Bryce Canyon, we did a one day visit that included both Navajo Trail & Queen’s Garden. While temperatures were still in the upper 80’s, the higher elevation of Bryce Canyon provided a much needed reprieve. These two completed the Mighty Five circuit for us.

New River Gorge & Shenandoah: We planned a quick trip up The Blue Ridge Parkway to visit these two national parks. At New River Gorge, we got the opportunity to do the bridge walk and walk underneath the famous New River bridge. It was such a fun experience to walk above the river while simultaneously underneath the rushing traffic above. We left the day after the bridge walk adventure and headed toward Shenandoah. We entered the park after a recent snowfall and were greeted by all day fog that barely lifted to reveal the blue peaks surrounding us. We did a quick hike on part of the Appalachian Trial that passes through the park before leaving the park for another, sunnier day.

While I may have been away from posting, there was definitely not a lack of adventure taking place. I’m tentatively planning on posting bi-monthly and starting a new segment titled “Being a Tourist in My Hometown” that will premier at the end of the month. I’m excited to be back and sharing on a more consistent basis. Thanks for reading and following along even if it’s been a while. Talk soon! Until then,

See you on the Trail!



Sunday Special Edition: Get to know the rest of the Brown Tribe