Sunday Special Edition: Get to know the rest of the Brown Tribe

Good evening Mountain Movers! Make sure to keep up with us by subscribing at the bottom of the page (you only need to do this once) & checking out our Instagram content. I have some exciting things coming your way! These articles will be released intermittently and cover various topics. Today kicks off our special Sunday edition highlighting the Brown Tribe. Today is also a special day in that it is my dad, Lee Brown’s, birthday. Our topic for today: get to know Lee Brown our selfie-taking king!

Lee - or Papa as I like to call him - is a travel connoisseur. He typically arranges our flights and accommodations when traveling around the country. Often referred to as our fearless leader, Papa is our dedicated driver for most of our trips. He enjoys hiking, going to new places, & trying new things. While he is not the most patient and tends to be a snack thief, Papa is always the comedic relief we need on long road trips.

Lee resides in our hometown of Erwin, TN deep in the Appalachian mountains. Here, he is the manager of the local utilities and a valued community leader. He grew up not always loving the outdoors but has become much more accustomed to being outside. He has taken me on several hikes and after years of trying, instilled a love of hiking in me, too. In his spare time, he can be found helping others & the community, hunting with his good friends Green & Doug, or on the road with me. The good thing about Papa is he’s always ready for our next adventure.

Before our #all63with3 journey began, we would go on adventures as a family together. We have had the privilege of traveling to several different countries & states including Jamaica, Mexico, Hawaii, & Maine to name a few of my favorites. Growing up in the mountains instilled in him an appreciation of nature’s beauty and the sereneness found in the woods and far away places. He is always down for my crazy adventures including via ferattas, long hikes, obstacle courses, & ziplines. I’m so glad I have gotten to experience all these fun, crazy things with him!

My favorite thing about Papa is his endless support for me & my dreams. He is always there to make me laugh when I’m sad and remind me of the good times. He helps me plan our journeys and even suggest things to see along the way. He’s an incredibly smart man with a heart of gold. There’s no one else I’d rather see all 63 parks with!

While in Moab on our 3 parks in 2 days stent, he & I came up with the idea of seeing all the nationals parks together as a family. Mom was in agreeance, and so our journey began in October of 2022. Shortly after our adventure, he suggested I start this blog. I’m so thankful for his encouragement & love along the way. I wouldn’t bee where I am today without him. Here’s to more adventures and loads more Papa selfies!


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